Sunday, August 4, 2013

9 Month

It's hard to believe that these two little peanuts are 9 months old already! When I got the news that I was pregnant 9 months seemed like forever to wait for these two and the closer it got the longer the days seemed. Nine months of being pregnant seemed like an eternity. Nine months of these babies being evicted from the womb by the doctor seems to have flown by.

When we first brought home Triston and Elliana I thought I would never survive... I wanted them to grow up quickly and more than anything sleep through the night! Jonathan only got one week off of work and after that it was all me all night long with two new born babies. There were days that I didn't know how I was going to survive. I'm so happy that my parents and grandmother live so close and they truly helped me get through those first three months. My mom would always say  "the first three months are the hardest part." 

Trying to get these two on the same (or as close to the same as possible) schedule was something that I thought would help me so that is what I did. When one wanted to eat, the other ate. When one wanted the sleep, the other slept (although I felt like I would never sleep again) A schedule was something I could (try to) control. I still spent from time to time wishing they would become mobile, wishing they would sleep through the night, but really I loved every hard second of it. I finally had my little blessings. As much as I wanted time to speed up then I wish it would sloe down now. T and E are crawling and laughing and playing and doing everything I wished they would have done.

Although I love to see them grow up, it is also hard. Those little newborns who were dependent on me at all times are now playing with each other instead of me. I just went thought their clothes and put up all the NB - 6 month sizes (well most 6 month sizes) Those tiny little clothes will never be worn again. My mom likes to buy them clothing when it's on sale for the future. She recently brought over some size 2T pajamas and I just remember thinking "I don't want them to be that big yet!!! Where is time going???" It made me remember the past 9 months, the good, the bad, the happy, the sad and I wouldn't change it for anything!!

Although I now want time to slow down, now that they are mobile we are able to take them to places and let them explore!!! Here are just a few pictures of adventures we have taken lately. (If they didn't take so long to upload I'd add more but I'm tired and it's back to work tomorrow)

First time on the swings at the park

Having fun at the Children's Museum

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